About Me

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It would probably be better for someone else to describe me cos I'm not very good at this bit, but I'll do my best! I'm currently studying for an English Literature and Language Degree with the Open University. It's hard work but good fun and I've made lots of online friends. I was diagnosed with ME in 2009 which made study extremely difficult, but with the help of an excellent tutor and great learning support team at the OU, I managed to complete the year. Since then I have carried on and learnt to cope , managing my studies around the ME. I have a WONDERFUL husband who looks after me and three beautiful cats who I couldn't live without!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Just another day......

Well, It's just another day. I don't feel that good today. Feel like I'm running on empty and have done all day. Hubby's gone into town so I'm all on my lonesome, feel the loss of Oscar even more today, he'd be on the couch with me by now. :(
My friend, Jess, bought my 4 week old Godson up to see me yesterday. Hayden Lee, that really gave me a boost. There's something about that little life, so reliant on us, yet his little face so determined.... and no he wasn't just filling his nappy!! I guess all life has it's cycle, its beginning and ending and we are just here as long as time and God permits.

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